The Government of Victoria in Australia has expedited the A$395m ($307m) Hurstbridge Line upgrade project with the commencement of associated works for the new Grange Road bridge development.

A 37t concrete support beam will be craned into the Grange Road level crossing in Alphington as part of the initiative.

The beam will form part of the new Grange Road bridge after the rail trench is dug underneath it next year.

The project is scheduled to continue for nine days and will see 400 workers duplicating the single section of track in Heidelberg and demolish the Rosanna Station. 

A new station is slated to open at the site in March 2018.

"The project is scheduled to continue for nine days and will see 400 workers duplicating the single section of track in Heidelberg and demolish the Rosanna Station."

The Hurstbridge Line Upgrade project also includes the removal of congested and dangerous level crossings at Grange Road in Alphington and Lower Plenty Road in Rosanna.

The Grange Road level crossing will be removed by lowering the Hurstbridge line under Grange Road.

A new rail bridge is set to be built over the Lower Plenty Road to ensure the safe passage of trains and road transport without any disruption.

The Hurstbridge Line upgrade is expected to be completed by 2019.

The Government of Victoria has removed ten level crossings and re-constructed eight stations during the last two years.

It is currently removing an additional 16 level crossings across the region.