Rail infrastructure and freight company Colas Rail UK has added two new tampers from Plasser & Theurer (P&T) to its fleet to assist its work with Network Rail

The two P&T 09-4×4/4s Tampers will be deployed in the Western region of England for the company, which is one of the primary ‘On Track Machine’ suppliers for the UK’s rail infrastructure manager. 

Paul Conway, head of engineering and compliance at Colas Rail UK, said: “This continued investment in new machines demonstrates Colas Rail’s commitment to having a modern fleet of machines to ensure the best operational performance for the client.” 

Conway also highlighted the role of the new machines in reducing the company’s emissions, with the new vehicles fitted with EU Stage 5 emissions-compliant engines replacing ageing tampers. 

The new tampers, DR75016 and DR75017, were built by P&T in its Austrian factory last year before being transported to the UK for final commissioning and calibration in West Ealing, London.

The machines were then brought to the Severn Valley Railway for a ‘rigorous shakedown’ ahead of being entered into service for Colas Rail UK’s contract with Network Rail. 

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Tampers are self-propelled machines that run along railway tracks to tamp track ballast and increase the durability of tracks by ensuring the ground they run along is level. 

Delivery of the new equipment comes at the start of Network Rail’s latest five-year Control Period, CP7, which has put climate change at the centre of its operations with investments in new technology, such as the new tampers, and renewing ageing infrastructure.