Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) has awarded engineering firm Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam (LAN) a contract to manage the extension of platforms at 28 stations across Dallas, Texas.

The $124m project involves upgrading the platforms of the Red and Blue light rail transit lines to accommodate three-car trains.

Currently, only two-car trains operate on the two transit lines due to limited platform length.

The modification works will include extending four aerial stations, 22 at-grade stations and two below-grade stations as well as raising platform levels to ensure easy boarding.

DART vice-president John Rhone said: “The added capacity will help open some rush hour trips that are extremely full. This makes those trips available to more people and gives them a better experience.”

DART estimates that following the completion of the project, the capacity of the light rail system will increase by nearly 50%.

LAN vice-president Chris Masters said: “During the initial design of the rail system, DART proactively planned to trigger station platform extensions once the need was warranted by ridership.

“The project will ease congestion during peak hours, reduce commuting times and provide a more comfortable ride for passengers.”

“The project will ease congestion during peak hours, reduce commuting times and provide a more comfortable ride for passengers.

“We are looking forward to working with DART to deliver the project in a timely and coordinated manner that enhances the rider experience.”

Currently, the firm is working on design work for the project, while construction is expected to begin next year.

In December last year, the Transportation Authority of Monterey County (TAMC) awarded LAN, as part of the construction management team, a contract for the initial phase of Salinas Rail Extension in the US.

The project will extend passenger rail service 68 miles from Gilroy in Santa Clara County south to Salinas in Monterey County.