Railway company Siemens Mobility has secured an order from DB Regio Bayern to supply around 31 regional trains.
The new trains will connect Munich, Passau and Regensburg.
DB Regio Bayern will receive around 25 double-decker Desiro HC trainsets and six single-decker Mireo trainsets.
Siemens Mobility stated that the new trains will commence passenger service in December 2024 after a change in the timetable.
DB Regio Bayern regional management chairman Hansrüdiger Fritz said: “We’re especially pleased that we were able to win the Europe-wide call for tenders from the Bayerischen Eisenbahngesellschaft. The modern trains provided by our partner Siemens Mobility are an important contribution for ensuring high-quality operations that attract additional passengers to rail transport.”
Siemens Mobility rolling stock CEO Albrecht Neumann said: “Our Desiro HC and Mireo regional trains stand for enhanced passenger experience and convenience, maximum availability, and sustainability. Both train platforms are very popular with passengers and have already significantly improved passenger satisfaction on many routes. We are pleased that we’ve received the order to build 25 Desiro HC trains and six Mireo trains for the Danube-Isar network.”
The Desiro HC trains have been proposed to run on the line RE 3 Munich Hbf – Landshut Hbf – Plattling – Passau Hbf and on the RB 33 (Munich Hbf) – Freising – Moosburg – Landshut Hbf; the latter until the unveiling of Munich’s second S-Bahn main line.
The company stated that Mireo trains will operate on the airport express RE 22 Munich Airport Terminal – Landshut Hbf – Regensburg Hbf.
Once the second line is commissioned, the vehicles of the RB 33 will be operated during the rush-hour traffic between Munich and Regensburg or Plattling.
Moreover, for the Danube-Isar network, Bavarian Railway Company (BEG) has stipulated barrier-free new vehicles with high capacity and air-conditioning, with further minimum quality standards, such as passenger information and WLAN.
BEG is responsible for planning, financing and controlling the regional and suburban rail transport in the interest of the Free State of Bavaria.
At the same time, it also provides a debt service guarantee to aid the funding of the new vehicle fleet.
DB Regio has also placed an order with Siemens for four-car Desiro HCs.
These locomotives come with 20 1st class seats and 350 2nd class seats.
Around three Desiro HCs can be combined and run as a single unit, providing extra space and greater flexibility.
The company specified that the four-car Mireo offers 14 1st class seats and 250 2nd class seats.
The trains will also help passengers in wheelchairs by enabling them to move without assistance onto platforms with a standard height of 76cm.
Wherever there are low platforms, a power lift available on-board will help wheelchair users to enter and exit the train.
In addition to a multi-purpose area situated at each car entrance, the trains will be barrier-free for commuters with condensed movement.
Along with the connection options at each stop, a real-time passenger information system will display current arrival and departure times.
The trains will feature special Siemens Mobility-developed, high-frequency windowpanes, which will enhance cellphone reception considerably.