Alstom has secured a €14m ($16.2m) contract from Bordeaux Metropole, an intercommunal structure in France, for the delivery of five additional Citadis trams.

The 44m-long trains are expected to operate on the rail network in the city of Bordeaux from next year.

Bordeaux Metropole has earlier placed a contract with Alstom for the supply 25 trams, which are currently under production at Alstom’s facility in La Rochelle.

Siemens Mobility has been awarded a contract from the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) in California, US, for the supply of eight S70 streetcars.

The scope of the contract also includes delivery of spare parts and other equipment to the OCTA.

The deal includes an option to purchase ten additional trains. The streetcars are expected to be delivered by 2021.

Siemens is also responsible for the systems support and training of operators, under the contract.

“The contract forms part of the A$848.5m ($627m) regional rolling stock investment plan of the Victorian Government for the development of the North East Line.”

The Government of Victoria has placed a design contract with Bombardier Transportation Australia.

Bombardier will work on the design of new standard-gauge bogies of the VLocity trains to be operated on the North East line, under the contract.

The contract forms part of the A$848.5m ($627m) regional rolling stock investment plan of the Victorian Government for the development of the North East Line.

The accreditation and testing of the trains are expected to be completed within 12 months.

Bavarian rail authority Bayerische Eisenbahngesellschaft (BEG) and the Baden-Wurttemberg public transport authority have awarded a 12-year contract to Go-Ahead Bus and Bahn to manage the operations of the E-Netz Allgau network from 2021.

The new contract will bring the total number of rail networks operated by Go-Ahead Bus and Bahn to four.

The E-Netz Allgau network runs through Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg and acts as a connecting link between Munich and Lindau.

Sleeper design and production technology firm Austrak has been acquired by rail technology services provider Vossloh for an undisclosed sum.

The acquisition has been made by Vossloh subsidiary Vossloh Australia.

Vossloh intends to bolster its capability of manufacturing pre-stressed concrete sleepers through the acquisition.

German firm Mutares has reached an agreement with Knorr-Bremse to acquire Knorr-Bremse RailServices and Kiepe Electric.

The transaction, whose financial details have not been disclosed, is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

The acquired businesses will be rebranded to be in line with the strategic approach of Mutares.