The new HS2 Interchange station has received the BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ certification, becoming the first station in the world to receive the certification.

The interchange station will be constructed in the West Midlands, UK, near Solihull and the NEC.

This certification recognises the eco-friendly features of the station such as optimising natural daylight and ventilation, a station roof design to reuse rainwater, and net-zero carbon emissions at the station.

The design of the station includes reducing the demand for carbon by using natural ventilation and daylighting.

The station will incorporate energy-efficient technology such as air source heat pumps and LED lighting.

Additionally, 2,000m² of solar panels are installed over the station and automated people mover, which generate zero-carbon electricity.

The rainwater will be directed to the rainwater harvesting tank from the main station using a network of underground pipes. This will address the water requirements of the building.

The rainwater harvesting tank can accommodate 150m³ of water, which will decrease the demand for main water for the station.

The other features of the station include sustainable drainage systems along with new natural habitats around the station.

The car parking of the station features 222 electric vehicle charging points and cycle storage to accommodate 176 bicycles.

Dedicated pedestrian access will also be constructed to access the station from the east and cycle access from the north, west and south-east.

HS2’s Environment and Town Planning Director Peter Miller said: “Our aim is to design, construct and operate HS2 to reduce carbon and to minimise the effect of the project on the environment.

“Our stations will be amongst the most environmentally friendly stations in the world, so this certification is fantastic news for interchange station. In building the station, we are also committed to sourcing and making efficient use of sustainable materials, reducing waste and maximising the proportion of material diverted from landfill.

Last month, the UK Department for Transport (DfT) gave the ‘Notice to Proceed’ for the construction of HS2.