Transmashholding Group’s unit Bryansk Machine-building Plant (BMZ) has delivered a mainline freight diesel locomotive to the Baikal/Amur Railway.

To be registered with Novaya Chara Depot, the train’s mileage on mainline service will be 50,000km.

The company has previously tested the locomotive in Russia and it will be evaluated again against a definite set of objectives under real operational conditions.

While registered with the Kursk and Kursk-Sortirovochny Depots, the train completed 10,000km trial operations as performed under the RZD-compliant test programme.

“By 2025, it is estimated that more than 400 new locomotives for hauling trains weighing 7,100 tonnes will be required on the Baikal/Amur Railroad.”

To date, the locomotive has carried around 240,000t of cargo and is able to carry trains of an excessive weight of up to 7,100t.

The locomotive is designed to operate under severe climate conditions. It is equipped with multiple advanced technical solutions including a powerful GEVO12 diesel engine and auxiliary equipment.

With an engine power of up to 3,100kW, the train exhibits independent cabin heating systems and new electric units that are low-maintenance. The fuel, water, and air systems have also been designed to enable it to perform at extremely low temperatures.

By 2025, it is estimated that more than 400 new locomotives for hauling trains weighing 7,100t will be required on the Baikal/Amur Railroad.