vienna flexity

Bombardier Transportation has secured a €431m contract to deliver 119 Flexity trams from Vienna transport authority Wiener Linien.

The contract also includes a 24-year FlexCare maintenance management system agreement and options for 37 additional trams and maintenance services.

The FlexCare programme allows operators to maintain vehicles at their own depots under the overall responsibility of Bombardier.

All the vehicles will be manufactured at Bombardier’s manufacturing facility in Vienna.

"We wanted a vehicle that is modern, comfortable and environmentally friendly."

Wiener Linien CEO Günter Steinbauer said: "We wanted a vehicle that is modern, comfortable and environmentally friendly that fits the existing infrastructure and offers good value for money."

The 34m-long Flexity trams will be capable of accommodating 211 passengers, and will have wide gangways and multipurpose areas.

Bombardier Transportation Austria Light Rail Vehicles head Carsten Bopp said: "We would like to thank Wiener Linien for their trust and for giving us the opportunity to play a part in shaping the cityscape of Vienna."

Bombardier said its Mitrac propulsion equipment allows the trams to achieve an availability rating of more than 95%.

Bombardier’s maintenance management system FlexCare guarantees high availability and reliability for the vehicles and offers customers planning reliability and cost certainty over the contract period.

Image: 3D rendering of the Flexity Vienna tram for Vienna, Austria. Photo: courtesy of Bombardier.