Trainfo and Cloud-based emergency response platform RapidDeploy have signed a long-term strategic agreement to provide railroad crossing impedance data to public safety organisations.

Under the partnership, RapidDeploy’s Radius Tactical 911 Map will be used to provide the data.

Trainfo offers a solution that aims to minimise traffic delays and accidents at road crossings.

North America has more than 200,000 rail crossings, which cause delays for many responders on a daily basis by previously unavoidable rail crossing blockages.

For delivering emergency responders information related to predictive rail crossing blockage, Trainfo solutions leverage acoustic train sensors and a proprietary machine learning technology.

The sensors are deployed on the public right-of-way and off rail property, enabling cities and communities to own and run the sensors.

The data of Trainfo is combined with RapidDeploy’s Radius 911 Tactical Map and Nimbus Cloud Aided Dispatch solutions.

As a result, with the provided real-time situational awareness, the call takers and dispatchers can choose and route first responders on the basis of travel time and not just proximity.

RapidDeploy co-Founder and CEO Steven Raucher said: “The data Trainfo provides is core to our mission of reducing response times, and we are excited to be working hand in hand with Trainfo, The Federal Railroad Administration and communities to solve this long-standing challenge for first responders.”

By deploying the solution, emergency responders, for the first time, will be able to see where, when and for how long a rail crossing will be blocked.

RapidDeploy said in a statement: “By displaying accurate predictive rail crossing information in RapidDeploy Radius up to 30 minutes before the blockage occurs, Trainfo and RapidDeploy provide public safety organisations with an unprecedented level of situational awareness, optimising unit selection, and routing to avoid rail crossing blockages.”