A total of two metro lines equipped with Thales SEC Transport (TST) signalling system have entered revenue in China.

These lines are Hefei Metro Line 4 and Nachang Metro Line 4.

TST is a joint venture between Thales and Shanghai Electric Group and offers advanced SelTrac CBTC signalling technologies for metro projects.

With an operational length of 41.3km, Hefei Metro Line 4 stretches from the western Qinglonggang to the northern Free Trade Zone. This route has 31 underground stations.

TST, in partnership with Hefei Metro, delivered Line 4 project, which involved ‘complex undertaking’ in connection with design and construction.

In a statement, Thales said: “Hefei Metro Line 4‘s Library Station has set up a connection with Line 3 and Line 4, which will allow the cross-line operation in future.”

“ATC has been available in the Science City Depot, which could upgrade to fully automatic depot in future; the conditions for upgrading to FAO have been prepared from the Qinglonggang to Beiyanhu section.”

Meanwhile, Nachang Metro Line 4 spans from Baimashan Station to Yuweizhou Station.

This route passes through one county and six districts.

With 29 stations, the line covers a distance of 39.6km.

Nanchang Metro Line 4 also supports the operations of maximum number of trains in Nanchang line network.

In March last year, TST project team commenced site installation for this line.

In a span of six months, the team completed the site survey, equipment deployment, power-on trial, site commission including nearly 40km tracks, depots, parking lots.

Since 2013, TST has been involved in the construction of NanChang metro line.

NanChang first metro line (Nanchang Line 1) and Nanchang Line 2 are both equipped with the TST signalling solution.

Last month, Thales secured two contracts to upgrade the Madrid-Seville High-Speed line, which started operations 30 years ago.