Railway track

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is providing an additional €235m to Poland’s infrastructure firm PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe (PLK) to upgrade the 92.5km electrified railway line that connects Warsaw and Radom.

With the extra funding, the bank has now provided nine loans to PLK totalling €1.65bn to finance railway modernisation programmes across the country.

The latest project involves the laying of a second track between Warsaw and Radom, upgrading the present power supply and replacement of the signal and telecommunications systems.

The upgraded line will enable introduction of trains operating at a maximum speed of 160km/h for passenger trains and 120km/h for freight trains.

Scheduled to be implemented between 2013 and 2017, the project also involves implementation of additional environmental mitigation measures such as noise barriers, better drainage and animal crossings to reduce existing negative impacts during operation.

EIB president Werner Hoyer said the bank strongly promotes sustainable transport solutions.

“We therefore particularly welcome this agreement with PLK because the project will result in a better quality of rail service, as well as help to reduce vehicle operating costs and journey times,” Hoyer said.

“This should encourage the shift from other modes of transport in the densely populated Mazovian region.”

PLK president Remigiusz Paszkiewicz said, “The EIB loan is supporting our growing investment programme, which will raise up to PLN5.5bn this year and PLN9bn in 2014.”

Image: The new project involves construction of a second track between Warsaw and Random. Photo: courtesy of Teeratas/FreeDigitalPhotos.net.