EBI Track train detection equipment for main line or mass transit consists of train location systems, track circuits and axle counters. The train location system provides train-to-track communication in conjunction with a transmitter on-board the vehicle and a receiving loop in the track. The train receives movement authority continuously via the track circuit up to the end of the block last cleared. The detection of vehicles usually occurs through normal track circuits or axle counters.
The EBI Track family consists of three different train detection products, standalone axle counters, integrated into OCS950 axle counters and track circuits. The Bombardier EBI Track 1800, EBI Track 2000 and ACE Controller are highly reliable and cost-efficient axle counter systems. The track circuits that we offer are the EBI Track 200, EBI Track 300 and EBI Track 400.
EBI Track 2000 / Axle counter system (SOL-3)
EBI Track 2000 axle counter system is used for detecting non-occupancy of track sections, turnouts and sidings, based on information received from wheel detectors. EBI Track 2000 is used for mass transit, industrial and main line applications. It is a flexible system and can be installed on various types of rails irrespective of the traction and type of rolling stock.
It is especially useful where applications of conventional jointed or jointless track circuits is too expensive or impossible for technical reasons (low resistance of track substructure, gaps, low impedance between stretches of rails) or for operational-related reasons (difficulty in ensuring proper track maintenance).
EBI Track 400 / Coded audio frequency jointless track circuit
EBI Track 400 is a coded audio frequency jointless track circuit for main line or mass transit applications. The EBI Track 400 track circuit uses multi-bit coded telegrams to guarantee immunity from traction interference and ‘false feed’ hazards. Using the existing EBI Track 200 / EBI Track 300 infrastructure, these ‘next generation’ products greatly ease the design of complex applications.
ACE Controller
ACE Controller is the main part of axle counter subsystem (housed in OCS950 subrack) intended for detecting non-occupancy of track sections, stabling tracks, safety tracks and turnouts. The status of controlled sections is worked out on the basis of information collected from wheel detectors connected to ACE Controller. Information about status of controlled sections, evaluated by ACE Controller is reported to the interlocking computer, via an electronic interface (OC Link).
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