LineDesigner is a comprehensive, integrated and intelligent information technology (IT) system for designing transport network and optimal construction of timetables, ensuring efficient transportation and a passenger friendly, modern transportation system.
Line designer takes into account:
- Different types of transport integrated
- Many carriers operating on one platform together with the transport organiser
- Joint transport for various administrative units
- Common transport for various administrative units
- Use of real data on travel times to optimise the timetable
Optimisation of schedules and duties
Constructing schedules from various line trips, obtaining rolling stock and duties optimised for user preferences. This stage allows the generation of the greatest economic benefits.
- Vehicle circuits:
Automatic design of vehicle circuits with the use of mathematical optimisation algorithms, enabling their most efficient use in transport work as well as the maximum use of rolling stock, maintaining pre-defined conditions, cost function and restrictions.
- Personnel duties:
The system enables defining transportation tasks for train crews based on both regular trains running according to their timetables and on statistic of starting-up trains during a day or weekdays.
Using optimisation tools, the system allows designing operational changes most effective for employees. Optimal usage of employees’ working time, with minimisation of ‘non-effective’ time and reduction of technical (not-in-service) trips and overtime, while maintaining compliance with all the legal requirements and internal regulations of the company