Plan Safe is a trusted Australian safety consultancy with specialist skills and knowledge drawn from extensive experience within the railway industry.
Our team of safety and risk experts offers services to help navigate the delivery of railway projects while keeping stakeholders engaged.
Our team has worked on projects with key organisations such as Transport for New South Wales, Sydney Trains, Downer, Metro Trains Melbourne, UGL, Yarra Trams and V/Line, and we have built strong relationships with key decision-makers in these organisations.
Safety consultancy services for railway projects
Implementing new railway technology can be a challenge, particularly when it comes to meeting the requirements of safety-focused operators and regulators.
Plan Safe can help you deliver successful project outcomes while ensuring consistent stakeholder engagement, both internally and externally. For safety management applications, our team can work with you to develop compliant processes and systems. Our pragmatic approach to implementing functional safety and human factors in the design and implementation of rail systems will help you to reduce risk, optimise opportunities, and provide operational improvements through user-centred design.
We have led multiple new railway technology projects from a safety perspective, including liaising with regulators, unions, rail operators and other government agencies. We have also managed safety and human factors programmes for rolling stock and rail signalling projects such as Waratah ATP Project (Onboard ETCS), Sydney Growth Trains and Regional Rail Link.
Railway system safety assurance and engineering
Plan Safe delivers systems safety assurance within the railway industry and other high-reliability sectors. We work with your design team to build a safety plan, systems safety reports and safety case.
Our consultants are highly experienced at developing safety arguments using goal-structuring notation having delivered tailored programmes for modern rail signalling systems, including on-board and line-side signalling projects.
With system operation increasing in importance as projects and organisations become more complex and tightly integrated, our expertise in systems engineering and requirements management ensures the successful integration of your engineering programme disciplines.
Whether you need assistance in facilitation of a single workshop or end-to-end management of an entire system safety programme, get in touch to discuss how we can help. We are dedicated to ensuring your assets remain safe.
Safety management systems for the railway industry
It takes work and specialised knowledge to make sure your systems address all ONRSR and local regulatory and operational requirements. We are experts at creating tailored and effective safety management systems (SMS) for the railway industry. Our team has experience developing integrated management systems that address safety, risk, quality, environment and human factors.
We work with clients to develop and update their existing safety management systems to ensure they are simple, effective and successfully manage all internal and external requirements.
Our qualified auditors can provide a detailed gap analysis of your current compliance with relevant standards and legislation, giving you a roadmap to improving your systems.
Human factor safety consultancy
With human machine interaction (HMI) and automation becoming increasingly prevalent and complex, the application of effective human factor techniques and analysis is gaining importance. Our human factors programmes ensure human-centred design principles are used when designing new technology and making changes to existing assets.
Plan Safe specialises in identifying safety complexities, opportunities and efficiencies to enhance your systems and operations. Through our detailed human factors and human performance programmes, we identify opportunities to improve the way you work, focus on success, and increase efficiencies.
Tailored safety training and coaching
Plan Safe specialises in creating multi-platform training packages. With our extensive experience in the rail industry, we ensure that training is both interactive and innovative to prepare your team for the work ahead. We have been developing company-wide and project-specific training for over a decade.
We also collaborate with you to ensure our training meets your specific requirements, reflecting your systems and culture.
Our programmes include systems safety for railway applications, rail safety, due diligence for senior leaders, manager and supervisor responsibilities, human factors, and workplace health and safety.
Rail stakeholder engagement and communications
Effective stakeholder engagement is imperative when delivering major projects with multiple clients and stakeholders. Plan Safe offers experience in building effective relationships with key players and designing innovative communication solutions for both the public sector and private companies. Our detailed understanding of communication, audiences and language will ensure you communicate purposefully, and for results, with your key stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle.
We can drive engagement, consultation, change management and communications programmes. We will also develop and lead teams to deliver innovative communications and engagement solutions. Our expert facilitators will work with you to engage the key people, clients and communities associated with your major project.
Plan Safe’s stakeholder engagement enables executives, teams and customers to connect in meaningful ways for outcomes that matter.
Plan Safe can help you deliver positive outcomes on your rail project. Contact us using the enquiry form to organise a meeting and learn more about how our unique service offering can add value to your railway operations.