For 20 years, Prosys has been providing best-of-breed collaboration software designed to organise, optimise and secure large-scale projects in construction, railways, transportation and engineering.
Mezzoteam, our collaboration software, fulfils your needs of document management, workflow, reporting, web services, etc. It enables you to:
- Organise document exchanges to meet deadlines and guarantee traceability to involve all players in a project
- Structure and authenticate validation circuits
- Reduce the amounts of paper involved at all levels, including archival needs
- Secure data
Project streamlining and process building software
Mezzoteam supports project streamlining and process building with exceptional flexibility in set-up and functional tuning, regardless of capacity or the number of users.
The main functionalities are:
- Directories: project and corporate
- Models: workspaces models and copies
- File management: download tree structures, visualisation
- Document management: document files fully tunable, views, automatic arrangement, reference documents
- Search: rapid and advanced
- Traceability: trace actions and documents
- Collaboration: personalisation, diary and forum
- Lifecycle: manage document status and distribution
- Workflow: series and parallel with workflow graphic editor
- Web services: file synchronisation, smart clients MezzoCAD (with AutoCAD) and MezzoSync
Mezzoteam is a fully interoperable platform based on the Microsoft®.NET 2.0 environment. Mezzoteam is available in hosted mode (ASP) on a secure platform or by license for intranet deployment.
Electronic collation of project documents and information
The intuitive interface lets the user understand project organisation and quickly retrieve information. Icons, shortcuts and filters are all there to simplify the work. Everything relating to the project is grouped in a dedicated workspace, where there is no risk of losing data.
As part of a project, all of the documents involved are deposited in Mezzoteam and sorted. All of the parties involved can easily connect to view or validate them. By hosting and simplifying the project’s lifecycle, Mezzoteam ensures that deadlines are met and costs kept under control.
Mezzoteam is easy to use. Users connect to it using the Internet; the access is secured through a login and password. Configurable document forms are used to sort files and easily retrieve information. The project manager controls collaboration by inviting players to join the project or removing them from the project directory.
Each user is assigned their own access rights based on their role in the project. This way they may come to validate, sign off and distribute documents. These actions are automated, thanks to a powerful workflow management system.
According to requirements, dedicated modules may be activated, for example to produce graphic documents or synchronise with the workstation. The application architecture is used to easily integrate the workflow into the company’s IT system.
All of the actions performed (downloading, opening documents, etc.) are traced in an activity log. The reporting module is used to generate dashboards. When the project is finished, all the documents are archived in line with the filing plan adopted.
Collaboration software supplied for many major rail and transportation projects
Prosys is the leader in France in project collaboration software, and its worldwide reputation is confirmed by its many client references in the railway and transportation sectors, including:
- Hanoi Metropolitan Rail Transport – Vietnam
- GCC Railway
- Marina Line – Singapore
- Extension of Metro Line 13 – Paris
- Metro VAL Line A – Toulouse
- TGV station – Avignon
- TGV infrastructures – Taiwan
- 15 tramway projects in cities including Paris, Bordeaux, Montpellier and Nice
Prosys will be exhibiting at the Ubifrance stand at BcnRail, the international showroom of the railway industry, in Barcelona, from 30 November – 3 December 2009.