Consilium is a well-known name and a trustworthy supplier of solutions for fire protection equipment in rolling stock applications world-wide.
Having started its business for the development and supply of equipment for the marine industry, Consilium has extensive experience in safety solutions for harsh and demanding applications. With more than 40 local offices, Consilium is always close to its customers, providing sales, support, spare parts, and training.
Life time support
As all new developed products are backwards compatible, the requirement of having support for the installed equipment throughout the lifetime of the train is covered, also granting a low lifecycle cost. Consilium offers reliable material supply for all customer installations, which always has been a basic principle for our supply.
Designed for harsh environments
The company’s experience from installations in very harsh environments, such as rolling stock, power plants, warships, arctic explorers, cruise ships, and merchant vessels ensures that all products are well proven in use under all operating conditions.
Rolling stock segments
Consilium supplies fire protection systems, such as fire detection, suppression and extinguishing, to all areas of rolling stock, from trams and locomotives, to ultra-high-speed trains. Our portfolio also includes fire protections systems for trucks and buses.
Inter-connectable modules
The TS1000 consists of inter-connectable modules, which can create a fire protection system solution integrated with control functionality in order to also support TCMS communication, suppression, extinguishing, fire barriers; heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), passenger alert system control, etc., creating extremely cost-effective and safe solutions.
Reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety (RAMS)
The European standards EN 50126, EN 50128, and EN 50129, known as RAMS, are becoming increasingly important within the railway industry, focusing on lifecycle cost and safety. These standards are the basis for qualified modern assessments of reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety (RAMS).
Focusing on RAMS, Consilium has implemented RAMS processes throughout its organisation, meeting the modern requirements of the railway industries. New products are developed with the highest standards in mind, offering train manufacturers a fire detection system with low lifecycle cost and a high safety integrity level.
Safety integrity level (SIL)
SIL is defined as a relative level of risk-reduction provided by a safety function, or to specify a target level of risk reduction. The technical progression in the railway industry, including unmanned operating rolling stock, puts a higher demand on the safety function in the case of fire.
SIL analyses are designed to verify that measures and operational rules are sufficient for achieving a prescribed SIL, ensuring risk reduction. Consilium’s products comply with the harmonised standard EN 50128, referring to the safety integrity level.