
Westcode Inc, together with it’s technology partner Mitsubishi Electric, has been awarded three new contracts to supply roof mounted air conditioning systems to both Kawasaki Rail Car, and to Alstom in the USA. The three contracts cover additional cars for the R142 series (80 Car Sets), and the new R160 car series (1700 car sets with options). The order was won in the face of strong competition, with Westcode relying heavily on the excellent performance of the current equipment supplied over the last 4 years for the R142A and the R143 contracts. The total value of the contracts will exceed $100,000,000 when the final options are placed, and will take over 7 years to complete. The units will be manufactured at Westcode’s purpose-built manufacturing plant in Binghamton New York, and will result in over 100 new jobs.

Said Mr Edward Widdowson, Chairman & CEO of Westcode, “ We are proud to have been chosen to supply these products to NYCTA, and we are making substantial investments in both equipment and people to ensure the complete satisfaction of both our customers, Alstom and Kawasaki Rail Car”.

The first contract to enter production will be the R142s, which will begin deliveries in October/November 2003, followed in 2004 by the R160.

Other recent significant contracts include orders from Metro North, Docklands Light Railway, and Metronet REW for the London Underground, District Line car overhaul.

For further information visit our website.