A to Z customer information displays created and supplied by technology and communication company Infotec are making train journeys easier for infrequent users of three South West Trains stations.
The boards, part of an impressive order for platform displays at various SWT stations, have been created and supplied by Infotec to show up to 21 departures. This is a relatively large amount of information in a relatively small space.
The information on the A to Z boards lists the direct destinations of the trains leaving the station in time order, so passengers who are changing trains or are not sure of the ultimate destination of the train they need are able to quickly see the time and departure point of the one they want.
Mark Barrow, information systems manager for South West Trains, says: “We are improving our information systems and the feedback we have had on the A to Z boards has been great, particularly from infrequent users. The displays have been very well received.”
The information provided by the A to Zs, which have been installed at Basingstoke, Salisbury and Woking, supplements details provided on the other displays in the stations concerned.
Nigel Hewson, of Infotec, says: “SWT was looking to make travelling with them an easier and more relaxed experience and the displays we have provided are helping to achieve that.”