
Ingeteam has been selected by metro operator Brussels Inter-communal Transport Company (STIB) to supply five energy recovery systems which, together with other measures, will reduce energy costs and allow the company to lower its C02 emissions by 40% until 2030. One of these Ingeteam systems has already been installed in the Metro and after receiving positive results, it was decided that additional systems were to be installed.

Opened in 1976, the Brussels metro is one of the most modern metros in Europe. It has seven lines, 69 stations and more than 130 million users a year.

Within the framework of its commitment to sustainability, the STIB is implementing new measures to optimise energy consumption. With this aim in mind, the Ingeteam Ingeber technology was selected for its ability to recover up to 30% of railway traction energy. Trains not only consume energy, but also produce energy through the heat generated during braking. Ingeteam has developed its own technology to recover this train braking energy.

After four years of investigation by the Ingeteam Traction Division and a €3m investment, the company has developed a system to convert this braking heat into electrical energy to be returned to the power grid. This system is ideal for urban trains, trams and metros, given the fact that these are all required to make many stops, which is when the Ingeber recovers the heat energy.

Five of these systems have currently been installed in the Bilbao Metro, a further three in Bielefeld, Germany, and another in Malaga for ADIF. With regards to the Bilbao metro, 30% of the total amount of recovered energy goes to the suburban railway and 60% to the grid. Thanks to this technology, the metro returns to the grid the equivalent of the annual power consumed by 1,500 families. As far as the Malaga and Bielefeld projects are concerned, Ingeber made it possible to recover one million kWh and 650,000kWh respectively during the systems’ first year of operation.

For more information, please contact Ingeteam.