
Bogie workshop

Nencki is very pleased to present the newly developed shock absorber test press at this year’s InnoTrans.

The Nencki Damper Testing (NDT) by Nencki was designed exclusively for railway applications. Its features are very high flexibility, rapid and fully automatic adjusting times, latest machine construction technology and design, as well as minimum maintenance costs.

The drive for the dynamic test is controlled by a strong servo motor. Absorbers with a length between 200mm and 1,200mm, a maximum force of 25kN and an acceleration of up to 20m/s² can be tested with this machine.

Thanks to the large stroke and the maximum absorber length of 1,200mm, the Nencki NDT is also able to test the expensive absorber for the pantographs. Depending on the test result, they may be reused again, avoiding costly investments.

The Nencki NDT shock absorber test stand is computer-controlled (PLC). After login through the operator and selection of the absorber to be tested, the machine works automatically, that is, moving to the correct fixing length, knowing the required stroke, the testing speed and programme.

The angular position can be adjusted by the servo motor programme controlled and is fully automatic.

The test process is based on the DIN EN 13802 standards. The machine is designed so flexible, that the client can create new test procedures himself in an easy and quick manner.

The software programmed in-house by Nencki is from the latest Microsoft® technology with multi-touch functions. The operator can modify test parameters and tolerances independently or carry out new test procedures. Processes for the calibration of the test force and the stroke are included in the software.

Integrated solutions for bogie workshops
As from the beginning, Nencki supplies equipment such as bogie presses, bogie exchanging systems and mobile presses for installing and removing primary springs. During the past years the assortment was enlarged by the very successful bogie test stand NBT and the various types of spring test presses NST.

At the coming InnoTrans, Nencki takes the slogan ‘Innovation’ to heart and shows the newest Nencki Tool:

Nencki Bogie Data Integration®
Which components with which characteristics and test values are installed on which bogie and in which position on a railway vehicle? All those answers are provided by Nencki’s new Bogie Data Integration System, to be presented for the first time at the InnoTrans.

This latest development of Nencki allows clients to select any bogie of a train composition and test results of individual bogie components can be determined in the easiest way. As an example, it is possible to retrieve by mouse-click the test protocol of the left-hand primary spring of the rear axle.

Nencki shows this application at the InnoTrans 2014 on three exhibited machines; the bogie test stand NBT, the spring test press NST and the newly developed shock absorber test press NDT, which are interlinked amongst each other.

The data files are being archived, retrievable at any time and detailed information is provided regarding the condition of the components following the previous revision.

The open data bank structure and Nencki’s own software department allow for client specific interfaces to be transmitted to higher ranked Maintenance Management Systems, or to integrate other data of other components.

Nencki Bogie Data Integration® the information tool for your bogie

For more information, please contact Nencki.