Since 2014, we have been collaborating on ‘Innovations for a Global Rail Management System’ (INOGRAMS), an R&D project led by Alstom Charleroi (Belgium) for the emergence of global RTMS.
INOGRAMS is an industrial research project which aims to explore new technological areas and extend European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) functionalities to an international protection system.
This project will help rail operators meet their priorities in terms of international traffic and interoperability by standardising the signalling system. This will consequently increase capacity, raise reliability rates, open supply market and improve safety.
Transurb will mainly intervene regarding Automatic Train Operation (ATO) by designing a full-scale simulator model. This mostly consists in integrating ATO algorithms and features in a driving simulator to test and validate the operational aspects of the research while avoiding security issues or mobilisation of rolling stocks.
To do so, the Walloon Region granted funds to Transurb Simulation for three years of research and development, thanks to Logistics in Wallonia, the Competitiveness Cluster dedicated to the Transportation, Logistics and Mobility sector in Wallonia. The latter also gathered 15 partners such as Infrabel, Multitel, UMONS, ULG and UCL, for the project to succeed.
Transurb will demonstrate the benefits of a simulator for train manufacturers in terms of test and validation. Moreover, this research will enable us to stay in line with the latest developments and technologies relating to ERTMS and to provide our customers with the most advanced solutions.