
The full running order and brochure is now ready for this year’s WiFi on Trains Conference: Train Communications Systems 2014 (London, 11 and 12 June)! The main speakers will include Network Rail, who will discuss plans for the future of trackside wireless systems in the UK.

Also on the roster are:

  • Japan Rail East
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • London Underground
  • East Coast Mainline
  • ViaRail (Canada)
  • Iarnród Éireann
  • PKP Intercity (Poland)
  • Heathrow Express
  • O2
  • Icomera
  • Fluidmesh
  • 21Net
  • Chiltern Railways
  • Jet Pack

Please see the full brochure for details .

The event has already attracted train operators and suppliers from France, Germany, India, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Russia, the US, the Ukraine, the Netherlands, Kazakhstan, Korea, Norway and elsewhere, all keen to join in the discussions about the latest developments in this fast-moving sector.

With over 50 train companies across Europe alone, currently offering on-train WiFi, the conference will examine how the market will move forward, what can the train operators expect to do with the new services next and how should they do this (adding entertainment and better passenger information services for example).

The conference will be dominated by real case studies presented by train operators who have launched WiFi on-board services. With more train companies than ever before getting involved in this large and growing sector, a bumper audience is expected.

There are more details (and a booking form) at or e-mail if you have any questions.