
Lat-Lon today announced it is completing deliveries of its GPS tracking and security monitoring systems for toxic inhalation hazard (TIH) shippers. The department of homeland security is requiring shippers of TIH chemicals to implement systems and be operational by the end of the year.

Lat-Lon’s GPS system can provide real-time location reports as well as alert shippers that the tank car has entered or exited a high treat urban area (HTUA). The system monitors security and the condition of the tank car with an onboard camera which can capture visual evidence of the railcar. Pictures are captured when the hatch is opened or if an impact beyond a certain threshold is reached.

The information provides increased security and safety by allowing the customer to act on a visual picture. For example, in the case of chlorine derailment, knowledge of the cars orientation could be valuable to first responders.

If the car is being tampered with, then visual evidence will show the unauthorized intruders. Images can be taken during the day as well as night. The camera has infrared capability and can capture a photo in complete darkness without intruders knowing that a picture was taken.

To date, over 1,500 Lat-Lon GPS tracking and camera units have been produced to increase security on TIH tank cars for the leading chemical producers. Dave Baker, president of Lat-Lon said, “Lat-Lon is returning visual oversight to the freight train–which was lost when the caboose was eliminated. It is like having a caboose trailing each railcar.”

The unit is powered by the sun and has a backup rechargeable battery that provides the required power through the night. Lat-Lon’s patented power system extends the life of batteries so that they do not need to be replaced like other systems.

Lat-Lon’s growing customer base of 232 customers can login to the website to get reports, maps and photos. Pictures, maps, and data can also be viewed from the Lat-Lon mobile website. HTUA geofences are identified on reports, maps, and alarms.