

Bombardier Transportation has a complete range of point machines for main line and mass transit, which includes sleeper-integrated point machines, conventional end-of-sleeper machines and machines mounted in a recess between the rails, providing the flush finish required in a street type environment.

EBI Switch has been designed with robustness and durability in mind. Components have been selected that require minimum maintenance. Because of its modular design, fast onsite servicing and maintenance can be performed, without disturbing traffic.

EBI Switch 2000 / JED 952/953 sleeper-integrated point machine

EBI Switch 2000 is a family of sleeper-integrated point machines designed for increased availability of the rail network and cost-effective maintenance of the complete turnout. Bombardier’s design solution is innovative and was one of the first fully sleeper-integrated point machines on the market. Today it is installed in several countries around the world.

EBI Switch 2000 can be used in Main Line and Mass Transit applications, in the switch as well as movable crossing. It is non-trailable with internal lock and position detection, thus minimising the need for external components between the sleepers. This in turn enables machine-based track maintenance throughout the turnout.

EBI Switch 900 / JEA 72/73/74 electro-mechanical point machine

EBI Switch 900 is a family of well-proven, widely-used, reliable, economical and compactly-designed point machines with internal lock and position detection. EBI Switch 900 is used in main line and mass transit applications and is available in two main versions: trailable and non-trailable.

The EBI Switch 900 is mounted on two sleepers, normally spaced, for left or right hand turnouts without modifications. All parts are below the top of the rail, which means that the machine is well protected against possible impact from maintenance vehicles. A version without internal lock is also available for applications where the customer is using external locks.

EBI Switch 700 electro-hydraulic point machine (A-700)

EBI Switch 700 point machines are proven electro-hydraulic point machines with mechanical locks and point detection functionality. They are proven in use on main lines and in mass transit applications, and trailable and non-trailable versions are offered. They can be used with external locks, depending on the purpose.

EBI Switch 600 / EEA-6 tram point machine

EBI Switch 600 EEA-6 type point machine is used for switching points in the turnout. It can also be used for changing the direction of tram movement (EEA-62, EEA-64), and for stabilising and setting the position of point blades in response to the passage of rolling stock wheels (EEA-60, EEA-63). EBI Switch 600 is used extensively in mass transit applications. It can be installed in tracks from 1,000mm up to 1,435mm wide, and its components do not disrupt normal road traffic.

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