Settlements module enables comprehensive settlement of employees’ working time, vehicle work, fuel and other consumables consumption.
Implementation of all transport processes in the system allows for quick and complete settlement, and the use of a central database allows reporting data in any range and section.
Statistics and analytics
The functionality of this module is the basis for measuring (investigating) the results of the planning and execution processes and verifying the effects regarding the desired concept. It is also an irreplaceable tool for management decisions to improve making successful business decisions.
The module contains a wide catalogue of ready-made, standard reports and tools for creating summaries according to the individual needs of users.
Business intelligence
WEB BI is a tool for managers and specialists involved in analysis and strategy, prepared in WEB technology, allowing access to data and analyses from any location at any time. For managers who expect information on the current state of business processes in the company, Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) solutions are designed; these enable the processing of the incoming operational data on an ongoing basis.
Presentation techniques are selected according to the needs of the user. To avoid the need to analyse large amounts of data, the visualisation of the current state is carried out in a pictorial form. The management dashboard is an attractive way to present results, with visualisation of data and reports in a form similar to control desks.
Worker information portal
This is a tool available to each worker via an internet browser. The tool provides schedule data and facility to submit work timesheets. Workers can also use it to submit leave requests, overtime requests and requests to change future schedules.
Together with TNA devices, it facilitates ongoing verification by superiors of workers’ work start and end times, lateness, worker presence and working times outside of the working hours.