
Steconfer supplies nets to protect the railway from rocks and other debris falling on the tracks. We are also certified to clear and apply pesticides to the trackside.

Slope Protection

Related to railway infrastructure there are some activities that Steconfer works in as a niche market. One of these activities is manufacturing and fitting nets at slopes adjacent to the railway. This contains rocks to precent them falling on the track.

Most of the time, these locations are very difficult to access, sometimes only by the railway itself. Installing slope protection is specialised work that requires special measures of safety and needs to be carried out by qualified workers.

Clearing Vegetation and Weed Control

To meet requests of railway infrastructure owners, Steconfer is certified to perform the clearing and application herbicides on tracksides.

Steconfer has an official ‘Authorization to carry out the terrestrial application of plant protection products’ (nº 59-AT) from the Food and Veterinary Directorate General.

According to this authorisation, Steconfer is qualified to carry out works specifically for this activity.