ENSCO provides advanced rail inspection sensors, high-resolution imaging technology, and autonomous inspection systems to improve track maintenance.
The company designs, builds, operates and delivers world-class, turnkey track inspection vehicles and systems in to be used around the world.
Track Inspection Vehicles
- Self-propelled vehicle: small 20t class converted work crew carriers to custom 100t high-speed rail cars that serve as track inspection platforms
- Towed Coaches: cost-effective solutions that improve the capacity of the rail network. Can be towed on revenue trains or behind dedicated locomotives and configured for high-speed and long-haul track inspection operations
- Hi-rail vehicles: designed and constructed of specialised equipment to meet the customer’s inspection and testing needs for light, medium, or heavy-duty trucks to address a full range of inspection and operational requirements.
Track Measurement Systems
Ensure track and rolling stock safety, increase productivity and efficiency, and reduce operating cost with our automated measurement technologies, modular and scalable, built into a new customised vehicle or retrofitted into existing vehicle
- Track Geometry Measurement System (TGMS)
- Rail Profile Measurement System
- Third-rail (Power Rail) Measurement System (TRMS)
- Deployable Gage Restraint Measurement System
- Ride Quality Measurement System
- Rail Corrugation Measurement System
- Overhead Wire Measurement System
Track Imaging Systems: high-resolution camera systems and advanced image processing algorithms that can operate day or night deliver comprehensive track inspection and evaluation
- Joint Bar Inspection System
- Track Component Imaging System
- Rail Surface Imaging System
- Driver View Imaging System
- Overhead Wire (Catenary) Imaging System
- Tunnel Wall Imaging System
- Thermal Imaging System
Autonomous Inspection Systems: operate uninterrupted, more frequently, and without onboard operators on passenger and freight cars in revenue service for cost-effective maintenance planning and railway standards compliance
- Vehicle / Track Interaction (V/TI) Monitor: real-time monitoring of track and vehicle conditions without impacting revenue service. Risk alerts transmitted via cellular network, received as email alerts, and viewed in TrackIT®.
- Autonomous Track Geometry Measurement System (ATGM): measures and creates reports that track geometry exceptions, including gage, crosslevel, warp, twist, surface, and alignment to meet FRA safety standards.
- Overhead Wire (Catenary) Measurement System
Track Inspector Tools: accurately know the location and condition of track assets from the condition of track to location of train for efficient maintenance, safer operations, and cost savings through reliable data management.
- Portable Track Loading Fixture (PTLF): easy-to-use, manually operated track inspection tool measures gage strength to AREMA and FRA standards.
- Digital Track Notebook® 3.0 (DTN): mobile, web-based track inspection tool automates management of inspection schedules, maintenance, defect identification, and follow-up records in performance reports to ensure regulatory compliance.
Track Inspection Services: use ENSCO-owned and operated vehicles and systems for access to cutting edge track inspection technology and in-house experts.
- Hi-rail Inspection Vehicles
- Portable Inspection System for Rail Bound Vehicles
- Track Geometry Measurement System (TGMS)
- Rail Profile Measurement System (RPMS)
- Third-Rail (Power Rail) Measurement System (TRMS)
- Joint Bar (Fish Plate) Inspection System (JBIS)
- Track Component Imaging System (TCIS)
- Driver View Imaging System (DVIS)