
Trimble® WheelView® is an automatic wheel profile measurement system that generates wheel profile and measurement data for each wheel of a moving train at mainline operational speeds.

Trimble WheelView utilises high-speed, high-quality digital imaging and laser illumination to automatically reconstruct the wheel profile in three dimensions and to report wheel wear measurements and defects from wheel profile data.

Image processing algorithms are used to extract wheel profile data from acquired images. The WheelView imaging system and processing algorithms are designed to operate in all ambient light and weather conditions.

Processed data and profiles from the Trimble WheelView system are integrated into the Trimble CMMS™ (Condition Monitoring Management System) software to provide web-based access for data visualisation, alarm management, and data analytics. Automated alarms on the measurements and the information generated by the system can facilitate condition-based and predictive maintenance workflows.

WheelView’s rugged design enables operation in harsh environments and at mainline operational speeds. Trimble also produces variants customised for indoor and low speed operation in workshops, depots, and yards. The design of the systems includes a self-cleaning mechanism and protective shutters to facilitate continual operation and reduce manual maintenance interventions.

Installation of the Trimble WheelView system does not require any major track modifications. An existing concrete or wood tie (sleeper) is replaced by a specially designed steel tie (sleeper) which the scanner boxes are mounted onto.

The data that WheelView generates enables rolling stock operators to improve and optimise their maintenance processes. Worn wheels can be identified and maintained earlier, reducing costly incidents. Data-driven predictive maintenance practices can be used to maximise wheel lifecycles. Historical wheel profile and measurement data can also be utilised for wheel and rail interface analysis


Trimble WheelView system measurements include:

  • Full wheel profile
  • Flange height
  • Flange width (thickness)
  • Flange slope
  • Tread hollow
  • Rim thickness
  • Back-to-back (B2B)
  • Tracking position (wheel lateral position)
  • Wheel diameter
  • Wheel width
  • Tread rollover
  • Flange rollover (Harris)
  • Equivalent conicity (additional module)
  • Depth to witness groove position (if any)

Depending on the rolling stock types and requirements, the system’s measurement outputs may require optimisation or customisation.

System Features include:

  • Bi-directional system
  • Measurement at mainline operational speeds
  • Speeds of 5mph to 85mph (140 km/h)
  • Operates in extreme environments
  • Operating temperature -40°F to 131°F (–40°C to 55°C)
  • Installed in track using a steel sleeper (tie) or steel base with no track interference
  • Easy maintenance
  • Air purge unit for system cleaning
  • Automatic defect reporting